Firewise ®

Welcome to the Firewise® information page for Pike and Alleghany.
Maintaining firewise status requires community investment. Your participation is needed.
It is easy to participate! Forms and information linked below.
Send an email to to request a risk assessment of your home.
Short-term goals: Engage more community members. Ensure that all residents are signed up for EverBridge the county's emergency broadcast system. Establish other forms of emergency communication such as a "buddy system" , community radio system and/or siren signals. Work with homeowners to harden their homes, work with Sierra County and other agencies to establish evacuation plans. Help residents prepare for evacuation. Track resident's & landowner's firewise efforts and submit them to FIREWISE USA on a reglar basis.
Mid-term goals: Obtain grants for fuel reduction projects for private land owners. Work with large land-owners and public agencies to maximize fuel reduction within our firewise communities and along all evacuation routes. To have at least 50% of the homes within each community meet the definition of "hardenned".
Long-term goal: A contiguous reduced fuels landscape within the firewise community boundary with clearly defined, well-maintained escape routes and well-informed community members who are familiar with the evacuation plan. To have at least 75% of the homes within each community meet the definition of "hardenned".
Other opportunities to participate:
Defensible space advisors are needed (training provided).
Firewise® committee members are also needed. Committees should meet a minimum of once a year and work together remotely the remainder of the time.
Current committee members
Pike Firewise Committee: Ginny Berry, Christina Dorn and Rae Bell Arbogast (fire district rep)
Alleghany Firewise Committee: Rae Bell Arbogast and Ned Cusato.
Contact: or call 288-0624 and leave a message
History: In early 2021, first Pike, then Alleghany gained firewise recognition. The application process included the preparation of a map, a risk assessment by a Registered Forester and a three-year action plan. Thanks to the Nevada County Fire Safe council for assisting with the process.
The risk assessment provides guidance for the action plan. Each community's' three-year action plan places a high priority on escape routes and the hardening of homes. The individual community application documents are linked in the sidebar.